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李立中(1980年生於台南)的《軍鴿》(2020)從美軍的解密檔案切入,以台南的空軍眷村飛雁新村作為中心點,挖掘出二戰時期曾發生於此的國際角力 — 作為大日本帝國南進基地的台灣,以及利用軍鴿情蒐台灣的美軍部隊。透過藝術家的重新演釋,以鴿子的角度觀看夾處在現代歷史中重大影響台灣的兩個國家之間。

“Military Pigeon”(2020) series by Lee LiChung (born in Tainan, 1980) explores a hidden international conflict which occurred in Feiyan New Village in Tainan through declassified US military files. During World War II, Taiwan was an integral seat for the Japanese Empire’s southern facing military operations. During this period, the US military utilized homing pigeons to conduct reconnaissance on the Japanese. Through a reenactment by the artist, we view Taiwan as a passive actor between two countries which greatly influenced its modern history of Taiwan through the perspective of a pigeon.

Military Pigeon, "Love Songs" group show, Each Modern, Taipei Taiwan, 2020
Video and giclée print, hand draw, archive files reproduction
Dimensions Variable



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